Saturday, August 6, 2011

Our new garden gate

Our garden entrance has a new look! At the work day today, we pruned back the overgrown grape vines, secured the entrance with a stronger overhead arch for the vines, and added a willow branch arch design on top of the old gate. We still want folks to visit--but prefer they come when we're there! The branches were donated by Jean Wheeler of Main Street Trees in Napa.

Some other things that got done--harvesting some giant zucchinis, preparing a compost bin for the next pile, and weeding and sweeping the front.

Thanks to everyone who showed up--Nora, Carrie, Jill, Debra and children, and Ben, a UC Berkeley undergrad who just wanted to learn. We enjoyed Jill's banana cake, my blackberry pie, and some fresh basil and tomatoes from the garden.

See you all at the next work party in September, if not before.