Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2010 update

So much has happened in the garden since June. We've had several great work days, a bee keeping class taught by Charles and a soil class taught by Ellen, lost chickens and gained chickens. Dennis and Katy built a roof for the chicken coop and the toolshed, and a new fence and gate for the chicken yard, and made pizza in our cob oven. The Berkeley Project Day revamped the rainwater catchment system, and cleared a lot of river cane and blackberry. A UC Berkeley intern, Daniel Gumbiner, worked with Ellen and Jill 3 hours a week in the garden all Fall. Angie and Kaya decided to move on, and we welcomed Jeff and Beth to the garden.

Bonnie made a website for the garden, and we partnered with Slow Food of Berkeley to do a garden work day, and Victory Garden Foundation to get some new tools.

It's been a great year, and we look forward to 2011. We're going to offer more classes, and continue to improve our soil onsite, so as to increase the yield and variety we can grow, and demonstrate to others interested how this can be done in your yard at home. We welcome visitors when members are present--hours vary.
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